Tenjaku Gin combines a distillation composed of more than 10 Western botanicals with a distinct Japanese essence: fresh, seasonal peaches from the Yamanashi region, sansho pepper, with a unique zest not found in Eastern spices, yuzu, with its aroma evocative of Japan, and green tea, with its appealing astringent and herbal aroma. Together, these flavors create a botanical gin with one-of-a-kind, authentic taste.
Botanicals include: juniper, orange peel, yuzu, sansho pepper, angelica root, cassia bark, green tea, and peach juice.
Tenjaku Gin earned 93 points at the New York International Spirits Competition and was awarded the 2022 Japanese Distillery of the Year.
The Japanese botanicals elicit a new flavor impression every time you sip Tenjaku Gin, making it a perfect cocktail base. For example, enjoy it with vermouth for a gentle harmony, or bring out the juicy peach flavor with a squeeze of lime. Whether you want to unwind at the end of the day or celebrate with friends, you’ll find that this is the perfect choice.
Tasting Note
Nose: A distinctive, but subtle yuzu note highlights a nose brimming with honey, juniper (slightly reminding me of Barr Hill Gin) and a creamy, unctuous richness. Very inviting nose.
Palate: Slightly more spice forward on the palate than in the aroma. Low volume star anise and fennel seed early. Mid-palate citrus comes through with pepper and orange notes. Late, the citrus becomes more Seville orange and hints of jasmine tea.
Finish: While there’s juniper in the background notes throughout the entire sip of Tenjaku Gin, it’s most pronounced on the finish where some terpenic hints of pine offer balance to a coriander and sansho dry out.